Amnon Owed,
Jer Thorp,
For my final project I'm aiming to achieve making a processing sketch that would contain data which is balanced enough to create an abstract yet complicated visualisation.With my research I started off by looking at examples of different people's designs of information, through processing or any other visual software.
In most of these examples can be seen utter simplicity which creates a good concept to look at to show an interest.
Finding out what it could mean, what could create such a pattern and why is what I find most intriguing.
I took an interest into charts, which are thought off as dull from visual sense.But there are many different examples that show otherwise, the information that turns into visualisation has to have sorted out data that glues the whole piece together.
I was told about a peculiar designer - Stefanie Posavec, most of her work is data projects and some of them have hand-made approach which is entirely new. Creating illustrations of data is quite new and fresh subject to me, it is of course curious.
Her work is detailed and dynamic that's kind of controversial towards the idea of data and information, it's thought of as static.
Stefanie Posavec
Open Processing
With my progress I knew where I was heading but I wasn't sure what exact outcome I want to make it into. So I looked up for different sketches on Open Processing to get some sense.
Data visualisation has two ways: with an external file (excel, txt, google)
or applying information directly to objects that are in the code.